Part 14: Eastern Gallery Mop-Up

The thread has voted! And we will be going...somewhere! But first, we have some mopping up to do.

As before, this is a fight against a decent-sized slith force, with a Slith Shaman and two Fire Lizards as backup (and this time, a slime the shaman summoned), while we get a couple of friendly Mages. The difference is that this time, Byff has a new area-of-effect attack spell.

Wow, fire lizards don't like that at all! Neither do the sliths, of course. Between Byff and Elly, we're able to knock our enemies down very quickly.

We can't cut them down quickly enough that everyone lives, mind you. Kane and One-Eye spend every turn healing, and it's not quite enough to keep up with the slith warriors' damage output. One-Eye dies shortly after Kane does, due to an unlucky series of hits. But after that, the enemy starts going after the allied mages instead of Byff and Elly -- the fools. We kill them with ease. One of the mages even survives!

And that's four of six crystals.

The other fights play out similarly, except that for two of them, the sliths are slightly less reinforced (i.e. they don't have any fire lizards) and we get soldiers instead of mages on our side. Frankly the extra meatshields come in handier than the spells the mages were casting anyway.

I mean, look at this! We have hardly anyone trying to hit us!
We don't get crystals from every camp, of course. One of them gives us a shield:

The evasion chance is probably better for Kane than the extra damage reduction from the Treated Carapace (and we don't care about the poison resistance).
Another gives us a sword:

This thing looks dumb -- who puts pole skills on a sword? But it's great for Byff or Elly: as the name suggests, it's intended to get you more combat disciplines, and help you use them more often. Byff has 7 ranks in bows; with this sword, he has 12 total basic combat ranks and is thus only three more levels away from Adrenaline Rush.
And finally, we get a scroll:

Which is a Scroll of Return Life. Welcome, if not exciting.

A bit further south is a small section of cavern we missed the first time around.

If you attack, you automatically kill it, and get 50 coins instead. You monster.

That's five crystals, by the way; we only need one more!
Let's start mopping up the Eastern Gallery. Waaaay over near Silvar, if we pilot our boat under the southern bridge, we can find this little alleyway:

If you let them be:

Unfortunately you can't attack them if you let them be, so let's just reload and kill them all instead.

Six goblins and a mage; trivial.

In the original game, there was a pointless filler dungeon here with a few witches at the end. It was tiny and, by the time you likely found it, trivial. I kind of wish it was still around if only for flavor reasons, but it was so random and completely tangential to literally everything else in the game that I can't really protest its absence too strongly.
We stop by Fort Duvno to see if J.R. will give us the time of day, but despite our "Well-Liked" reputation, she still refuses to train us in bowyering. Er, archery. On the other hand, near Duvno is the Batcave. Remember the Batcave? Kane and One-Eye died there. Fun times.

So yeah, dungeons do repopulate after you clear them. Just very, very slowly. And the "boss" units like the Escaped Experiment aren't back.

Ward of Steel is an excellent spell, and the first ward spell Elly's gotten. It reduces the damage your characters take in melee, so this will greatly help Kane's survivability. Ward spells, like Byff's Cloak spells, last until you return to town (whence you also get a full spellpoint restore), so there's little reason to not have a cloak up at all times.

One of these rooms has a Group Heal scroll, which is always welcome. The other...

Call the Storm level 3 just deals a bit more damage and is more likely to tag its targets with Weakness Curse. But hey, it was free. And over in the Surface Goods Storage...

...there's a chest with a healing elixir (nice but also common), a scroll of Spineshield (worthless), and yet another bag of sugar. We now have three of the things. And we really are done with Fort Avernum; I don't think there's ever a reason to return, now.
Next, remember the Nephar Fort? We died there too. And we had to leave some bits unfinished.

Hey, what happened to the guards?

Amusingly, the Nephar Fort is one of the few where you can't enter through the front gate, because it's locked.

So you really do have to take the back way in! Anyway. Item the first:

Improving Curing allows it to remove multiple physical status ailments when you cast it. Odds are decent that if you've been hit with one ailment, you have several on you, so curing them all at once is a welcome improvement.
Item the second:

Note the shackle icons on everyone -- we've been slowed, which has a chance to rob each character of their AP, skipping their turn. Luckily, Kane and One-Eye don't lose their turns, so they can shuffle Byff out of harm's way by swapping places with him, and cure him of his slowness so he's guaranteed to get a turn. Byff then spends his turn casting Haste, which removes the Slow that everyone else got tagged with. Elly throws up Protection, and from there these three Cave Demons really can't do much to us, with their total lack of anything besides melee.
And everyone else levels up! Elly's ahead of the experience curve because she dies the least, but she's not ahead by very much. And we got the Radiant Shortblade:

I think that's worth replacing the Nephil Warblade on Kane, though losing the +1 STR on the Warblade means Kane's accuracy goes down slightly.
Item the third:

The Crypt Demons are unique enemies (well, there's two of them, but they're the only two in the game). They lead off the fight by throwing up Spine Shield, making it a bad idea to hit them in melee, and Battle Frenzy, for bonus AP. We counter by sticking Kane in the doorway and having everyone else pelt them with ranged attacks.

Aside from their status buffs, Crypt Demons have a frankly fairly minor melee attack, and an acid spray attack that...hurts rather badly. But nothing we can't handle.

And that's the worst things get.

Finally, just north of Fort Dranlon is a little nook off the river.

In the original game, this was another tiny dungeon, inhabited by some evil cult. It had next to no flavor text and, like the witches coven earlier, was pretty trivial.

Sure enough, back at the Crystal Cave:

Repairing the crystal cave gives everyone a permanent +1 Endurance. Which isn't nothing, but also isn't all that significant. Then again, in previous versions the cave just restored your SP, which is of even lower utility.
Toddric, the healer at Fort Dranlon who wants to visit the cave, doesn't have anything special to say now that it's been repaired. Neither does Konig, the alchemist at Cotra. However, Konig now thinks highly-enough of us to teach us his powerful spell!

Down below Cotra:

Konig's chest (along the right-hand wall, partially hidden) contains an energy potion, spineshield scroll, and a low-value crystal. But more important is the spell tome.

Cloak of Curses just has a better chance of inflicting debuffs as its level increases. It triggers fairly reliably at level 3, but enemies usually either die or recover before those debuffs can actually do much. Oh well.
Anyway, that's it for the Eastern Gallery! Before we ship out, let's take a quick look at our friends.

Kane has matured nicely into the party tank. He's tantalizingly close to getting Adrenaline Rush (just one more level!), and is otherwise focusing on Hardiness for extra survivability, and Blademaster for more damage on his attacks. His Backstab trait (bonus damage against flanked enemies) is a bit wasted, seeing as the rest of our party spends so little time in melee range, but one wasted trait is not going to hurt him.

He has all the best gear when it comes to resistances and armor. In fact, all of his gear except his bow (Cavewood Longbow), boots (Heavy Boots), and helmet (Bronze Helmet) are now magical, though none of them does anything particularly flashy. Mostly just minor increases to resistances and chances to evade attacks.

One-Eye has pretty much entirely switched over to bows now. It's not so much the ammo limitations; more that the damage improvement of javelins vs. bows is so marginal as to make little difference, and there are some magical bows we can get later that we'll want him to be able to use. He's focusing his skills on Sharpshooter for more damage per shot, and Sniper for chances at getting extra shots each turn. He's noticeably more accurate and lethal than Kane is, though of course, Kane is foregoing dual-wielding, at least for now.
Note how awful his resistances are compared to Kane. That's down solely to gear and the Hardiness skill that Kane has invested in.

Hm, One-Eye doesn't have a hat. How strange. His only really interesting gear is the Mercuric Leather, which increases his AP by 1; once he starts investing in the Gymnastics skill (which has a 10% chance per point to give 1 bonus AP each turn), he'll be able to frequently get double turns. Note his gigantic piles of Crude and Iron Javelins (229 and 92 respectively); the iron type do 40-160 damage, compared to 56-148 for his Cavewood Longbow. That's...not really an improvement.
He can't use a shield because of the Slith Warspear he's wielding, which gives him some fire resistance. Maybe we should get him a shield and the Nephil Warblade.

Byff...has better armor than One-Eye does. Must be the shield. Note also his mental resistance of 62%, thanks to all those Intelligence boosts. He has plenty of ranks in Mage Spells for the time being, so he's been focusing on more Bows skill (for Adrenaline Rush) and on Spellcraft, which makes all his spells better.
The Elemental Focus trait increases his elemental spell damage by 3% per rank, and Energy Blessing gives him 5% more spellpoints.

Byff has some nice gear and some basic trash; the bottom half is all starter junk. His necklace gives +1 mage spells, and of course he has the Discipline Blade, which he'll probably be using for the rest of the game. Unless I decide to give it to Elly.

Speaking of whom, Elly looks pretty similar to Byff, except focusing on priest spells. She also has plenty of priest spell skill for the time being -- there's a gap of six spells between the strongest spell she can buy (Call the Storm) and the strongest spell she's learned in dungeons (Ward of Steel).

Elly's stuff is mostly whatever everyone else didn't want. She's also been saddled with carrying all of our random quest trash (though we should sell those bolts of cloth; I don't think anyone wants those). Gear-wise, her only interesting stuff is the Slime-Stained Tunic we got from Mr. "Swarm of Worms" Nephil Sewer Creep, and the Magestone Band ring that increases her magical damage.

There used to be a bandit checkpoint here, but we killed them all.